![Don Spencer, President of OK2A](https://www.ok2a.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/DonSpencerpic.jpg)
Meet Don Spencer
Don Spencer has been a life long resident of Oklahoma and became President of the Oklahoma Second Amendment Association in 2016. He is a CLEET Certified Firearm Instructor and a Licensed Armed Security Officer. Don often states OK2A is not merely a gun group, it’s a liberty group. “We just realize it may take firearms to maintain that liberty.”
The Oklahoma Second Amendment Association was founded in 2009 and in this time, Don has written and promoted more than 150 measures and positive changes to return the rights of citizens to keep and bear arms.
Graduated from Tulsa Union High School and attended Oklahoma City University. He’s been a professional photographer for over 40 years.
Why He Does This
In 2009 he was told that he could NOT have a firearm in his car while taking an Armed Security Guard class at a Vocational School. It was a felony to leave a gun in a vehicle at that time. When he realized how stupid Oklahoma gun laws were, he got involved to change them. As a result, there have been more than 150 positive changes to state law. OK2A is the State’s Leading Advocate for Second Amendment rights.
What We Do
- Maintain a daily presence at the state capitol during the legislative session.
- Bring together the best and brightest, including legislators, attorneys, law professors, and Second Amendment experts to craft sound public policy.
- Provide research and wording to legislators for Second Amendment legislation.
- Organize grassroots to support pro Second Amendment legislation.
- Educate legislators, the media and the public about the Founders’ intent concerning the Second Amendment.
Some of our Successes
• Commercial gun ranges are immune from liability when an accident occurs at no fault of the range or its personnel.
• SDA permit holders may now keep their weapon locked in their vehicle while at a K-12 school or a career tech campus.
• The governing bodies of private schools now may set weapons policies for their facilities.
• Oklahoma is now an open carry state.
• In total, the Oklahoma 2nd Amendment Association has helped pass almost 40 different pro-gun measures through the legislative process. No other 2A group in Oklahoma can boast such a resume.