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Gof. Stitt Executive OrderEnforcing The Governor’s Executive Order (above)

OK2A and the Oklahoma Municipal League have worked together getting the word out. Businesses that sell firearms and ammunition are ESSENTIAL and municipalities shall NOT prohibit sales at anytime by forcing the closing during a state of emergency. We have been addressing issues across the state to protect the rights of businesses and individuals.

Oklahoma Emergency Powers and Firearms
§21-1321.4 B. Notwithstanding this section or any other law of this state, neither the Governor nor any official of a municipal or state entity shall prohibit or suspend the sale, ownership, possession, transportation, carrying, transfer and storage of firearms, ammunition and ammunition accessories during a declared state of emergency, that are otherwise legal under state law.

Video on Federal Bill-HR5717

Contact your US House Rep. & US Senator and politely ask them to OPPOSE this horrific bill! HR5717

US Senate:
James Inhofe (R) 202-224-4721 & 405-608-4381
James Lankford (R) 202-224-5754 & 405-231-4941

US House of Representatives 
Kevin Hern (R) 202-225-2211 & 405-935-3222
Markwayne Mullin (R) 202-225-2701 & 918-687-2533
Frank Lucas (R) 202-225-5565 & 405-373-1958
Tom Cole (R) 202-225-6165 & 405-329-6500
Kendra Horn (D) 202-225-2132 & 405-602-3074

Join in with us – use the DONATE button on this website to help us keep our freedoms in Oklahoma!

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