Legislative Update, Feb 16, 2018


Six Bills Passed So Far!

So far during this legislative session, we have managed to get six important bills passed. Details are below.

HB2632 – HJC Places of Worship [Babinec / Bergstrom]: Passed 13-6

This bill brings Places of Worship under the Make My Day law just like a home or business. The objective is to protect a church from being sued as the result of a self-defense action. This bill does not stop a church from prohibiting weapons on its property. All republicans voted for the bill along with Rep. Tadlock for the Democrats. This bill was attempted to be torpedoed by the Oklahoma State Chamber and the Midsize City Coalition which includes game wardens, Oklahoma Troopers Association, OU, OSU, and many other publicly funded entities.

HB2527 – HPS County Employee Carry [Cleveland/Dahm]: Passed 11-4

The bill allows certain employees approved by the Board of County Commissioners to carry into the courthouse. Republican Representative Ross Ford voted against the bill while Democrat Representative Loring and Renagar voted for it.

SB910 – SPS Add Carry While Scouting, Hunting [Dahm/ Roberts]: Passed 11-0

This bill clarifies a person with an SDA license can carry while scouting, hunting or fishing.

SB1212 – SPS Clarify Carry on Wildlife Management Areas [Dahm/ Roberts]: Passed 11-0

This bill clarifies language that a person with an SDA license can carry for self-defense while in a wildlife management area.

SB1158 – SPS Felon Passenger [Scott/ Faught]: Passed 9-0

This bill repeals the felony charge(s) against a person who is a convicted felon and is a passenger in a vehicle while the driver is in legal possession of a firearm.

SB957 – SPS Places of Worship [Bergstrom/Josh West]: Passed 8-1

This bill adds Places of Worship to the Make My Day law so a church has civil immunity from being sued out of existence for a self-defense action. The bill will be amended to clarify the definition of a place of worship.[/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title=”” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-file-text-o” el_width=”80″ add_icon=”true”][vc_column_text]OK2A is responsible for creating, modifying, and repealing over 70 gun laws in Oklahoma in the past 8 years. Become a member of the state’s leading advocate for Second Amendment rights — we need your support!

Connect with the Oklahoma Second Amendment Association on Facebook and join our group discussion on Facebook to stay up to date during this legislative session.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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