
5 of Our Bills Passed House & Senate Floors This Week!

This week, five bills requested by OK2A were passed (approved) through the House and Senate floors this week. There are currently 16 active gun bills in the Oklahoma House of Representatives and State Senate. The five bills were:

HB2632 – Places of Worship. A great thanks to Representative Babinec!

SB910 – Clarifies that a handgun can be carried while scouting, hunting or fishing, and was passed by Senator Nathan Dahm.

SB1212  – Clarifying language that handguns can be carried in wildlife management areas. This was also passed by Senator Nathan Dahm—great work!

HB2626 – Burden of Proof. The state of Oklahoma shall be required to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that such immunity is not applicable. Passed the House floor vote by Kevin West.

HB2625 – A law enforcement officer can carry “throughout the state” instead of “anywhere.” This was also passed by Kevin West.


Don Spencer
Oklahoma Second Amendment Association[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”blue” el_width=”60″][vc_column_text]For outgoing notifications, updates, and voting results, visit the Oklahoma Second Amendment Association Facebook page. Our group discussion page on Facebook is also a great way to stay connected and stay engaged with 2nd Amendment related issues for Oklahoma.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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