Republican State Senator Jessica Garvin of SD43 (Duncan) has introduced the first Anti-Gun bill for the 2024 Oklahoma State Legislative session.
SB1254 will make a felon for the peaceful carry of a firearm on a school campus. This was previously a felony and in 2014, Governor Fallin signed into law that it is a misdemeanor since any person using a firearm on a campus could already be charged with a felony or worse.
Senator Garvin has already voted against your gun rights this year with HB2218. This bill would have prohibited state of Oklahoma from doing business with any company that discriminates against the firearm industry. More than a dozen states have adopted this into law. With the help of Senator Garvin, we were the first state to vote it down.
This attack on our rights must be stopped. We ask citizens to politely call Senator Garvin’s office and email her stating that she took an oath to defend our rights and ask her why she would abandon us again.