[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Mom’s Demand Action (MDA) is the fastest growing anti-gun group in the country. They have been making phone calls and sending emails to Oklahoma legislators and are present at the Oklahoma State Capitol this week to protest the Constitutional Carry HB2951.

Are you willing to do the same to defend it?

Make every effort to be present at the Oklahoma State Capitol on Wednesday February 28th at 1:45 pm to show your support of HB2951. We will meet at the 4th floor rotunda at 12:00 pm. The anti-gun groups will be there to protest against your 2nd Amendment rights. We can show that our rights are worth defending by our phone calls and emails to the committee legislators (listed below) and by our presence at the Capitol. Join us at the Capitol to help defend your right to keep and bear arms![/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title=”” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-phone” color=”blue” el_width=”80″ add_icon=”true”][vc_column_text]

Contact these Committee Legislators and Politely Ask Them to Vote YES On HB2951

Bob Cleveland [Chair] — 405-557-7308  •

Greg Babinec [Vice Chair] — 405-557-7304  •

Scott Fetgatter — 405-557-7373  •

Ross Ford — 405-557-7347  •

Justin Humphrey — 405-557-7382  •

Mark Lepak — 405-557-7380  •

Ben Loring — 405-557-7399  •

Kevin McDugle — 405-557-7388  •

Carl Newton — 405-557-7339  •

Pat Ownbey — 405-557-7326  •

Brian Renagar — 405-557-7381  •

Mike Ritze — 405-557-7338  •

Jacob Rosecrants — 405-557-7329  •

Emily Virgin — 405-557-7323  •

Tammy West — 405-557-7348  •

Cory Williams — 405-557-7411  •[/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title=”” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-file-text-o” color=”blue” el_width=”80″ add_icon=”true”][vc_column_text]For outgoing notifications, updates and voting results, visit the Oklahoma Second Amendment Association Facebook page. Our group discussion page on Facebook is also a great way to stay connected and stay engaged with 2nd Amendment related issues for Oklahoma.

OK2A is responsible for creating, modifying, and repealing over 70 gun laws in Oklahoma in the past 8 years.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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